DIY - Build your own combinational logic circuit using generalized simulator

  1. Construct the half adder circuit using generalized simulator and verify its truth table.

a. Using two input simulator, drag and drop the required gates from the tray on to the canvas & make connections.

b. Important Note: A div block(Y connector) is required to connect one input to two gates. That is whenever any particular input is shared by two or more gates, the div block (Y connector) should be used for making the connections.

c. Connect input switches to inputs A1 and B1 and output LEDS/bulbs to display the output status of S1 and C1.

d. Click on input buttons/switches A1 & B1 and press the simulate button and observe the outputs on LEDs/bulbs connected.

e. Verify the truth table of half adder and validate the design.

i. For example: Click A1 to logic 0 (OFF) & B1 to logic 0 (OFF); Simulate and observe the outputs.

ii. Click A1 to logic 0 (OFF) & B1 to logic 1 (ON); Simulate and observe the outputs.

iii. Click A1 to logic 1 (ON) & B1 to logic 0 (OFF); Simulate and observe the outputs.

iv. Click A1 to logic 1 (ON) & B1 to logic 1 (ON); Simulate and observe the outputs.